Long Course Postponed!
After hosting the Long Course for 13 years we've decided to take a much deserved break from this very labour-intensive under-taking. While this distance is near and dear to our hearts and we love watching participants achieve their goals it requires an out-size level of commitment from the volunteer organizing team. We'll be refocusing our efforts on the Suntrail Course and new Subaru Sprint Course. If you'll be missing the Long Course, please let us know by emailing quepasacanada@gmail.com.

Date: Postponed until further notice
(click here for full schedule of events)
Location: Bluewater Park - 400 William St, Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 - Google Map Link
16km KAYAK in Georgian Bay
21km BIKE with 75% gravel road 25% trail
6km RUN along the waterfront escarpment
40km BIKE with 80% trail and some crazy climbs
16km RUN along the cliff strewn escarpment to the finish
*distances are subject to change based on final course vetting
Soloists (min. 18yrs old): Male and Female
Teams-of-2 (min. 18yrs old): Male, Female, Coed
Relay Teams of 2 to 5 people (min. 16yrs old):
Entry Fees - Soloists and Teams-of-2 (per person):
Early Entry - $199 (until May 11, 2023)
Regular Entry - $224 (until July 13, 2023)
Late Entry - $249 (until August 9, 2023)
Entry Fees - Relay Teams (per team):
Early Entry - $330 (until March 23, 2023)
Regular Entry - $380 (until July 13, 2023)
Late Entry - $430 (until August 9, 2023)
Registration Closes August 9, 2023
What's Included:
Professionally designed and managed race-course
All park entry fees
2 Custom designed swag items (i.e. t-shirt, socks, cap)
Chip timing for fast, accurate results
Post-race meal
Bib numbers, a bib number holder and bike plates
Prizing for top 3 in each category
Click Here to Register (registration will open in January 2024) with our secure provider Zone4
Click Here to see the Confirmation List
Refund Policy: No refunds will be issued. Please ensure all registration info submitted is accurate, a $20 administration fee may apply to any request for changes. No refunds due to inclement weather, act of god, natural disaster, war, strike, revolution, lack or failure of transportation facilities, laws or interventions or actions of statutory bodies, major accidents during the race, or other such causes. If you cannot attend the event please let us know by emailing us at quepasacanada@gmail.com.
Boat Requirements:
Soloists and Relay Teams can paddle a kayak, surfski, or outrigger canoe
Teams-of-2 can paddle; tandem kayaks, canoes, or solo kayaks (if paddling solo kayaks team members must stay together at all times)
Paperwork (All paperwork must be filled out and submitted online prior to arrival at host site):
Racer Handbook:
Click here to download the 2023 Subaru Long Course Racer Handbook.
Course Maps - we are unable to provide copies of course maps online as courses cross private properties we only have permission to use on race day. Participants will be provided with a set of paper course maps at race kit pick-up on the day of the event.
Mandatory Gear: